Personal Branding: A foolproof method for a winning communication strategy

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Personal Branding : A foolproof method for a winning communication strategy

1. Personal Branding: a key Anglo-Saxon concept

What is Personal Branding?

The primary idea behind personal branding is to research your personality in depth. Who are you as an entrepreneur? What makes you different from others? This process then allows you to clearly define your communication strategy, in relation to your person, and thus to take control of your business communication, whether it be digital, oral or written. Ultimately, you must understand that you are the main ingredient of your personal brand. Your image as well as your skills become your driving force to promote and get your brand recognised.

What are its objectives?

Personal Branding is born out of an entrepreneur's intention to create a flourishing business in an effective way. Several objectives are developed around this concept, the 4 main ones being the following:

Objective n°1: To learn to know oneself better in order to improve the sale of one's products or services.

Making the most of your professional activity, while remaining yourself, is the key to personal branding. In other words, revealing who you are and asserting your skills freely, gives you better self-esteem, and therefore self-confidence. This strength, which results from this, is keenly felt by your prospects or clients. This is why they choose you, and no one else!

Objective n°2: Stand out from your competitors.

Showing yourself as you are requires a lot of courage, especially in the professional sphere, where prejudices and popular beliefs are almost the law. However, assuming one's true personality in one's profession is also the art of being different and thus, naturally, of standing out from one's competitors

Objective 3: Promote your professional activity in an expert manner and thus increase your reputation.

When launching your professional activity, one of the most difficult steps to take is to stand out from the crowd. Anonymity must be fought by making yourself more visible, by making your voice heard in a relevant way, by conveying new ideas, adapted to your audience and generating leads. Don't be afraid to leave a comfortable road, to take a side road. It is your ambition that makes your brand famous.

Objective 4: Develop a clear and effective communication strategy

Personal Branding will help you to clarify, but also to master your communication on social media, in your writings and orally, when you speak. A real lever for your company's success, the communication strategy allows you to increase your visibility, increase your turnover and control your budget thanks to an anticipated vision of all your actions.

2. Personal branding for a company: a winning communication strategy

How does Personal Branding help you in your communication strategy? One of the advantages of personal branding is that it puts words about your personality, your objectives and your quest in black and white. It helps you to organise your professional skills and to corroborate them with the very nature of your person. These elements will help you to build your entrepreneurial identity in a clear way that respects your aspirations and abilities. Without pretense, without false notes, your professional communication finds its legitimacy over time and builds your brand upwards.

How to create your personal brand?

All personal branding experts recommend that you first brainstorm, alone or with others. To do this, take a blank sheet of paper and do a simple experiment: formulate a precise account of yourself and your business in the form of a list.

For example, you can answer the following questions:

What are the words that characterise me as a person?

What is my personal and professional background?

What are my strengths and weaknesses?

What are my professional skills?

What are my objectives in launching my project?

What are my interests?

How do others perceive me?

By answering these questions, you will logically be able to draw up a coherent and reliable business plan.

You will then have to make yourself known, by addressing your marketing target.

Finally, you will need to be recognised by your peers or clients as a reference in your field of activity. This final stage is the most difficult to achieve and to maintain over time.

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